New Year, Fresh Start

There is something very refreshing about starting a new year. It feels like a chance to reflect; to do things differently and make improvements. When you run a business, the personal and the professional reflections often intertwine, and rightly so. This is a great time to really think about the year ahead. Do you need to make any resolutions? What are your goals? How will you achieve them? Do you need to make any changes in order to reach these goals?
Goals and resolutions are very different concepts. Resolutions can be quite vague and fluid. Whereas goals should be quite specific and also based on outcomes that are within your control. They should be clear and measurable, so that you can see your progress and understand instantly whether you are reaching them or not. You also need to pick goals that you can directly contribute to, or you’re not being fair to yourself.
Your goals will be unique to your lifestyle, your business. In terms of resolutions, I have made a few this year, and I am happy to share them with you. I’d love to know what resolutions you have made for 2016.
Be more productive
Wake up earlier
According to a 2008 Harvard research study, people who woke up earlier are able to anticipate and efficiently minimise problems. Rising earlier allows you to start your day more calmly, and gives extra time for planning and goal-setting. For me this means a very early start since my toddler favours early starts!
But also sleep more
This is fundamental. Inadequate sleep is so damaging, and with such busy lives it is tempting to stay up late and try to cram as much into the waking hours as possible. Sleeping more has been proven to improve efficiency, stamina and intelligence. Everybody varies with how much sleep they need, but the average for an adult is usually between 7 and 10 hours. I need a minimum of 7, but feel amazing on 8.
Exercise regularly
Planning and undertaking regular exercise has so many benefits. It will boost your mood and self-esteem, improve your sleep, increase energy, and of course improve health and fitness. I plan to start jogging again, I find it almost meditative and a great way to let off steam.
Simplify as much as possible
De-clutter, prioritise, streamline, simplify. You can probably find ways to simplify most areas of your business from your desk to your accounting system. What are your pain points? Identify them and look into ways of making things simpler. I need to organise my desk as a priority, and find ways of keeping it tidy.
Be more organised
Keep a diary and live your life by it
Write every appointment, important occasion and deadline in your diary and use it consistently. It doesn’t matter whether you use a calendar, a paper diary or your computer/phone system. Choose whatever works best for you and keep up to date with what is coming up so you are always organised and prepared. I have set up a bullet journal this year and so far it has worked absolute wonders both at home and at work.
Make lists
Quite basic really but making lists can be so powerful. Depending on your work-flow you can make daily or weekly lists and then have the satisfaction of crossing tasks off each list as you complete them. I prefer pen and paper for this and my bullet journal keeps everything in one place.
Plan effectively
Are you the kind of person who is always winging it? For some, spontaneity works perfectly but it can be quite stressful for others, myself included. Commit to making some time every day for planning. Many people find it helpful to do this as part of their daily wind down just before leaving work for the day. Prepare for the day ahead and then you can leave with a clear mind ready to enjoy your evening.
All of the above will require ongoing effort, but I just know it will become second nature eventually. Priorities and circumstances change, but if you have a robust and organised system underpinning it all, it makes life easier.
Whatever changes you plan on making in 2016 I hope it is a prosperous and successful year for you.